As a sponsor, your business will be advertised in all correspondence to derby participants approximately 8 weeks prior to the event. Also, you will be listed as a location where prospective entrants may pick up their entry forms. All entry forms will include your company name, address and phone number as our sponsor.
Trophies will be engraved with the name of your business and shipped prepaid to your location for display. A representative from your company can present the trophies to the winners following each event. Motorsport fans show product/sponsor loyalty more than any other sport. During the trophy presentations and throughout the event our announcer will be informing the audience of the service and products your company sells.
During the past 60+ years, our drivers have typically been between males 19-30 years old, although we have seen a steadily increasing amount of females as well as older participants. A sponsorship would target energized contestants and also allow you the opportunity to reach the spectators, which vary, demographically from the young to mature audience, single, married families. We have them all packed into a grandstand. Keep in mind; these people aren’t leaving the grandstand for a few hours. This leaves plenty of time for them to hear your message over and over again.
JM Motorsport Productions, Inc. is a dynamic company that’s been in business for more than a half-century and realizes the value of mutually beneficial sponsors. We would welcome the opportunity to work with you to custom design a sponsorship package that fits your company’s specific needs and budget. For more information, contact us at (716) 648-5100 or email us at
Sponsors Frequently Asked Questions
How many shows can I sponsor?
A. As many shows as we have or just one; it’s up to you.
Q. Do I have to sponsor a trophy
A. No, there are many ways to sponsor a show or shows. Among our most popular are T-shirt giveaways, gift certificates, hat prizes and goodie bags. It’s up to you how you would like be a part of the action.
Q. What do I get with my sponsorship?
-Trophies engraved with your business name and phone number, which will be shipped, prepaid, to your business location for display. (Quantity and type to be determined upon agreement.)
-Website recognition and link if available
-Entry blanks will be printed including your business name, address and phone number
-Your business will be listed as a location for additional entry blanks
- Several 30-to-60-second promos per show will be announced over the PA system throughout all shows (sponsor to provide script)
-Your company shall also receive on-stage passes for each event.
Q. How much is a sponsorship?
A. There are many variables that go into sponsorship fees, it’s really something that needs to be discussed between you and us. So, give us a call at (716) 648-5100 or email us at